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The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs

One morning he found something strange.
One of the eggs was dark yellow and very heavy.

Tom lived in a small cottage with his wife Elena. Every morning, Tom collected the eggs and sold in the village. One morning he found a egg different from others. It was a solid golden egg. He went to see the goldsmith to watch it, and he amazed too. He bought it by spend a lot of money. From that day, they got a golden egg every morning. They became rich, but they want to be more rich. So they think that kill the goose which lays golden eggs to get a lot of it at once.

It is one of Aesop's Fables and it includes a moral. The story is famous, so I can read it easily.




"Come back here this minute!" he cried. "Bye-bye!" the Ling kids called out. FOX THE FAMOUS One day, Mrs. Ling asked him to take care her kids while she went out. The Ling kids were so active, and they didn't listen what he said. Finally, they flew in the sky by balloons. FOX THE BRAVE Fox trapped his skates and he was injured. His mom and his sister Louise came running, and his mom said that "don't worry, it's only a scratch". However, he said that "I can't put up with blood!" FOX ON PARADE The band of Fox was practice hard to the big parade. Mr. Sharp was angry and he was told to leave the band room. He wasn't convinced. Then, something flew toward him, and he almost got hit. This book has three story of Fox. I think he is very hard. I like the last story.

The Fairy

Once upon a time there was a widow who had two daughters. The elder resembled her both in looks and character, they were both so disagreeable and so proud. The younger was the very picture of her father for sweetness of temper and virtue, and she was very beautiful. The mother loved her elder sister, but younger sister received terrible treatment by her. The younger sister had to go twice a day to draw water. One day she met a poor woman who wanted some water, so she gave her a water. The woman was a fairly, and gave her gift that come out of her mouth either a flower or a jewel when she speak. The mother was very surprised at her younger sister because of she dropped flowers and diamonds. The mother made her elder sister going to the fountain to draw water immediately. So she went there and met a woman, and the woman asked her to water, but she was a magnificently dressed lady. I didn't know this story. It is very interesting.


Any way of you move, your bones are helping out. When you move such as walk, jump, and bend, your bones helping out. You have 206 bones and the smallest and the biggest bones are in your body. Each part of bones protect your body parts. Long ago, a flag which is portrayed with a skull and crossbones on it used pirates. Many animals have bones like ours but their skeletons have many shapes and sizes. Bones are very familiar but I didn't think it deeply. It is interesting.